Building Safe Spaces: 7 Strategies to Prevent Workplace Violence

Marc Galindo
3 min
July 24, 2024

Management Liability

Fostering a culture of safety shouldn’t be a catchphrase—it should be a priority for organizations of all sizes. 

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), acts of violence are the third-leading cause of workplace fatalities in the United States. The report states that in 2019, there were 5,333 fatal injuries in the workplace, 761 of them intentionally caused by another person.

These numbers only solidify the critical responsibility of directors, officers, and other corporate leaders in preventing workplace violence. As of July 1, 2024, Senate Bill (SB) No. 553 mandates that all California employers implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan. With other states potentially following suit, businesses must be as prepared as possible. 

As management liability risks evolve, so must the risk mitigation strategies for workplace violence. Fostering a safe and supportive work environment allows businesses to protect their most valuable asset—their people. 

Here are 7 actionable strategies for preventing workplace violence:

Implement Comprehensive Policies & Procedures

Clear and comprehensive policies are the foundation of effective workplace violence prevention. These policies define what constitutes workplace violence, including physical assault, threats, harassment, and intimidation, and outline the procedures for reporting incidents, the consequences for perpetrators, and the support available for victims. 

Steps to establish these policies and procedures: 

  • Define Workplace Violence: Clearly define what behaviors are considered workplace violence.
  • Reporting Mechanisms: Establish clear procedures for reporting incidents.
  • Consequences: Outline the consequences for those who commit acts of violence.
  • Communication: Ensure policies are communicated effectively to all employees.
  • Training: Conduct regular training sessions to reinforce the importance of these policies.

Foster a Culture of Respect & Inclusion

Workplaces with a positive culture of inclusion and respect considerably reduces the risk of violence. Management should lead by example, demonstrating respectful behavior and zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment, and encourage open communication and forums for employees to voice concerns.

Ways to cultivate an inclusive and respectful culture: 

  • Lead by Example: Management should model respectful behavior.
  • Zero Tolerance Policy: Enforce a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination and harassment.
  • Open Communication: Provide forums for employees to voice concerns.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Implement meaningful initiatives to make all employees feel valued and included. Check out these strategies for effective initiatives in the Harvard Business Review.

Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Periodic risk assessments are essential for recognizing potential threats and vulnerabilities in the workplace. These assessments evaluate physical security measures and consider the workplace environment, including any factors contributing to employee stress or conflict. 

Methods for performing regular risk assessments:

  • Evaluate Security Measures: Assess access control systems, surveillance cameras, and emergency response protocols.
  • Workplace Environment: Identify factors that might contribute to stress or conflict.
  • Targeted Interventions: Implement interventions based on assessment findings.

Provide Training & Support

Training is essential to any workplace violence prevention strategy. Employees need training on recognizing warning signs of violence, de-escalation techniques, and responding to incidents. Support systems, such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), offer confidential counseling and support for employees dealing with stress, mental health issues, burnout, or personal problems.

Approaches to deliver training and support:

  • Recognize Warning Signs: Train employees to recognize warning signs of violence.
  • De-escalation Techniques: Provide training on de-escalation techniques.
  • Response Training: Ensure employees know how to respond to incidents.
  • Employee Assistance Programs: Offer EAPs for confidential counseling and support.

Establish Clear Reporting & Response Protocols

Establishing clear, confidential reporting channels, such as a hotline or online system, is essential. A well-defined response protocol ensures management responds promptly and effectively to all reports of violence.

Ways to create reporting and response protocols:

  • Confidential Reporting Channels: Set up hotlines, online systems, or designated HR representatives for reporting.
  • Prompt Response: Ensure management responds quickly and effectively to all reports.
  • Thorough Investigations: Conduct thorough investigations of reported incidents.
  • Appropriate Action: Take appropriate action to address incidents.

Engage With External Resources

Engaging with external experts can enhance an organization's ability to prevent workplace violence. Security consultants provide valuable insights into physical security measures, mental health professionals offer guidance on supporting employees, and local law enforcement agencies provide training and resources for preparing and responding to violent incidents.

Methods to collaborate with external resources:

  • Security Consultants: Work with consultants to improve physical security measures.
  • Mental Health Professionals: Engage mental health professionals for guidance on supporting employees.
  • Law Enforcement: Partner with local law enforcement for training and resources.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Ensuring employees maintain a healthy work-life balance is an effective strategy for reducing stress and preventing workplace violence. Employees who are stressed and overworked are more likely to experience frustration and anger, potentially escalating into aggressive behavior.

Opportunities to promote work-life balance:

  • Flexible Working Hours: Allow employees flexible working hours or remote options when possible. Flex hours or remote work can help reduce stress and increase job satisfaction.
  • Encourage Breaks: Advocate for regular breaks throughout the day to reset and refresh.
  • Time Off: Promote using vacation days and ensure employees take time off to rest and revitalize.
  • Wellness Programs: Implement wellness programs for physical and mental health, such as yoga classes, mindfulness training, or fitness challenges.

Building a Safer Future for All

Preventing workplace violence is an ongoing process and commitment from every facet of an organization. By implementing these strategies, businesses can create safe spaces for their employees. In doing so, they protect their workforce and strengthen their overall management liability strategy, ensuring a more secure and productive work environment.

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Marc Galindo
3 min
July 24, 2024

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