Professional Liability Insurance: 8 Considerations

Beth Keen
5 min
September 3, 2024

Professional Liability

Navigating professional liability insurance can feel like walking a tightrope across skyscrapers. One misstep and dire consequences ensue—though not falling from a building—but potential financial and reputational losses that can be just as catastrophic. 

Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, protects specialty businesses and professionals from claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in their services. Whether it be a consulting firm, legal practice, doctor’s office, architect, or any professional offering specialized services, understanding these eight considerations is crucial to safeguarding the future of a professional business. 

Understanding Industry-Specific Risks

Professional liability insurance should be tailored to fit the risks that different industries encounter. For example, a technology consultant needs coverage for data breaches or software errors, while a doctor might require protection against malpractice claims. It's essential to work with an experienced advisor who understands each industry's unique risks and can offer coverage that addresses those specific challenges.

Defining Covered Services

When securing professional liability insurance, it is crucial to ensure that the definition of "professional services" within the policy accurately reflects the specific activities the business engages in. This definition forms the basis of what the policy will cover, and any discrepancy between the services you actually provide and the services defined in the policy can lead to significant coverage gaps. If any activities fall outside the policy’s definition, claims related to those services might be denied, leaving your clients business exposed to financial risks. 

Policy Limits & Coverage Amounts

Finding the right coverage limits is a delicate balancing act. While opting for lower coverage can be tempting to save on premiums, it can leave the client underinsured in the event of a significant claim. It is critical to evaluate the size and nature of contracts, potential risks, and worst-case scenarios to determine adequate coverage. An experienced broker can help assess client needs and select appropriate policy limits.

Claims-Made vs. Occurrence Policies

Understanding the difference between these claims-made and occurrence policies is crucial because it directly impacts how and when a claim is filed. Professional liability insurance policies are typically offered on a claims-made basis, meaning the policy must be active when the incident occurs and when the claim is filed. Occurrence policies cover incidents during the policy period, regardless of when the claim is filed. 

Retroactive Dates & Prior Acts Coverage

A claims-made policy might include a retroactive date, which defines the period from which incidents will be covered. Ensuring a retroactive date covers prior acts is important to avoid gaps in coverage. When a client switches carriers or secures coverage for the first time, negotiate this aspect to protect businesses from claims related to past services.

Exclusions & Endorsements

Every professional liability insurance policy comes with exclusions—specific circumstances or types of claims that the policy won’t cover. It is vital to thoroughly review these exclusions and understand how they might impact coverage. In some cases, endorsements or riders may be available to expand coverage to include certain risks not covered by the standard professional liability policy. 

Defense Costs

Defense costs such as legal fees can quickly escalate in the event of a claim. It’s important to differentiate whether the professional liability policy covers these costs in addition to the policy limit (outside the limits) or if they are included within the policy limit (inside the limits). The former provides greater financial protection, as defense costs won’t erode the funds available for damages.

The Importance of Continuity

Continuity of coverage is critical in maintaining professional liability protection, especially with claims-made policies. If a policy lapses or insurance providers are switched without ensuring continuous coverage, it can leave insureds unprotected against claims arising from past services. Consider requesting an extended reporting period (tail coverage) if your client plans to retire or close their business to maintain coverage for claims that arise after their policy ends.

Regular Policy Reviews

As businesses evolve, so do their risks. Regularly reviewing and updating a professional liability insurance policy ensures that it continues to meet your client's needs. This is especially important if they expand the breadth of services, take on larger contracts, or enter new markets. Conducting annual reviews can help adjust coverage as a business grows.

Protect Your Clients With Flow Specialty

Professional liability insurance is more than a safety net—it’s a critical aspect of risk management for any business or professional delivering specialized services. By carefully considering industry-specific risks, understanding the nuances of policy limits, and maintaining continuous coverage, you can help safeguard your clients against the financial and reputational damage from professional liability claims. At Flow Specialty, our experts understand the intricacies of professional liability insurance and challenges with a can-do attitude to deliver clients comprehensive solutions and valuable insights.

Our extensive market offerings and rapid quoting capabilities ensure quick and seamless coverage for professionals in a myriad of industries. We provide client-ready proposals and in-depth insights, enhancing decision-making with clarity and confidence. Secure policies effortlessly with our internal AI-powered tools and streamlined automation processes while benefiting from personalized attention and exceptional commissions. By working with us, you can help minimize the likelihood of claims so your clients can focus on delivering the highest quality of services to their clients.

Explore our range of products and appetite.

Beth Keen
5 min
September 3, 2024

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